As well as the afore mentioned 3D programs I have also used some of the following to achieve various effects on the
finished images:-
PaintShop Pro, Painter 3D, Photoshop with Uleads Particle filter (amongst others) and many Flaming Pear filters
including Solar Cell, India Ink, and their New Lunar Cell. I used ThumbsPlus to generate the gallery "thumbnails",
and Home Site 4.5 (from Allaire) to write the HTML for these pages.
The galleries have been broken into 3 sections,Bryce Images, Poser Images
and Terragen Images.I am also including a links page to sites that I have found Invaluable whilst I have been
learning how to use these programs - most are tutorial sites some are sites where 3D objects can be downloaded for your own use.
I hope you enjoy viewing my work as much as I enjoyed creating it!.
Angela. October 2000.